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How Can I Become CAN-SPAM Compliant?

 In Email Marketing, OpenMoves Email System

If you are sending email or campaigns to email addresses within the United States, you are required to comply with the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003. The 2003 Act established national standards for the sending of commercial email and required the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to enforce them.

The CAN-SPAM Act is long, detailed and subject to change. Refer to the FTC Compliance guide for more details, but note the following general points that deliver best email marketing practices within the United States:

  • Only send email to people who have provided their consent to being emailed.
  • Make sure your email has an unsubscribe option on it. It’s good to know that all of the OpenMoves templates include an unsubscribe link.
  • Make sure your physical business/customer service address is included somewhere in the email (this can be a street address or a PO Box). This enables people to unsubscribe by post if they wish to.
  • When people unsubscribe, don’t email them again. With OpenMoves your unsubscribers are processed and suppressed automatically for you. For more on suppressions and unsubscribe requests, read How to Manage Suppressed Contacts (to be linked to the upcoming blog article sent separately)? And What is the “Unsubscribe Requests” report?
  • Don’t buy or sell email lists.

How to Use the SENDERADDRESS FeatureTo further support your effort to become CAN-SPAM compliant, we have added an automated feature, SENDERADDRESS, to be used when saving your campaigns.

How to Use the SENDERADDRESS Feature

Select a text element within your campaign and, from the drag and drop WYSIWYG ribbon, click on Personalize. Selecting Sender address will insert the $SENDERADDRESS$ marker into the selected text element. When your campaign is sent, this marker will be replaced with your existing customer service address which is stored under My details in Overview under My account.

My details in Overview under My account

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