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How Do I Manage Users on OM3?

 In Email Marketing, OpenMoves Email System

Our email marketing platform includes two separate types of users. Every account has one account owner who can add or delete multiple managed users with different permissions. Permissions are different for these two user types, so it is important to understand the difference.

In the following article, we’ll discuss:

  • Account Owners
  • How Account Owners Manage Passwords
  • Password Formats
  • How Account Owners Administrate Managed Users
  • How Account Owners Provide Managed User Permissions

Account Owners

This unique person manages the entire email account and can see all campaigns, contacts and reports.

The Account Owner Can Manage Passwords

Account owners can update their own passwords through the menu by navigating to My Accounts > Overview:
my account overview

Clicking on the Change Password tab allows the account owner to update their own password. In this case, the account owner must know their old password in order to update to a new password.
change the account owner's password

A separate method for the account owner to reset their password is provided through the Reset Your Password link. Click the following image to see it happen in real time.
resetting the account owner's password

Our client login page includes this method so that an account owner is able to request a password reset at any time. The Forgotten your password? Reset it via email is located directly below login and user input.

Completing the Password Reset request will generate an email to the account owner. Upon receipt, the account owner is provided with links to create the new password for their OM3 email account. The email message looks like this:

What Format Should I Use to Reset My Password?

The password must be at least 8 characters in length and contain at least 1 digit or non alphanumeric character. It is best practice not to include your email address or company name as part of your password.

Account Owners Can Add and Delete Managed Users

The account owner can also add and delete managed users, update their passwords and set their permissions. This is done through the menu by navigating to My Accounts > Managed users:

How Does the Account Owner Create Managed Users and Set Permissions?

Any OM3 email account can have multiple managed users and we provide several different user permissions. Account owners set the permissions for managed users, so that managed users access OM3 accordingly. Here’s a snapshot of the different permissions a managed user may have:

As you see, the account owner can select whether their managed user can export contacts, access contacts, edit campaigns, review top level reports, drill down into report details, send campaigns, or access templates.

Managed users cannot update their own permissions or their passwords. Managed users also cannot access the Managed user drop-down through the menu navigation.

CAUTION: Be careful in picking your users and especially the ones you grant full access to. Keep in mind that these users can export or delete your lists and historical data. If a user is leaving your company for whatever reason please make sure to remove their access to the OM3 platform to maintain security of your data.

Managing Your Account and Users

The account owner and managed user levels of permission are provided so that you can administrate your campaigns and contacts and manage your team appropriately. No matter if you are a single user or direct a team of 10 people, OM3 includes these 2 levels of user access so there never a reason to share login usernames and passwords between your marketing associates. If you have any questions on the topic, please just give us a holler.

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