Drag. Drop. Done.
Easily create beautiful personalized mobile emails, optimize with MVT testing, and review results with detailed reporting.
Beautiful Mobile Templates
Pick from dozens of mobile responsive emails that you can customize to your brand. No HTML required. Just drag and drop columns, text, images and videos into your template and you are ready to send. We’ll be there to help with your branding and create custom templates as needed.
Email Marketing
Test, Learn, and
Optimize your campaign performance for opens, clicks and conversions with easy to create automated A/B and MVT testing. You pick the variables you want to test such as subject line, from address, call to actions or any other creative…and OM3 does the rest.
OM3 will automatically pick the winning campaign and will send the rest of the campaign based on the winning variables.
Personalize Beyond 1st Name
Want better results? Send automated 1:1 personalized emails based on name, gender, demographics, web site visits product interest and purchase behavior. Using Dynamic Content, simply define your business rules, create personalized content snippets, and we’ll deliver personalized email experiences to every subscriber.
Personalize and Target your emails
Segment and score your recipients and send them personalized emails based on their demographics and web site behavior
Optimized Send Times
When is the best time to send an email to maximize engagement? OM3 will automatically send your emails based on when they were opened in the last 90 days! This works globally so the email will arrive at the recipient’s optimal time.
Remail to Non-Openers
A nifty little feature allows you to automatically schedule an email campaigns send to those that did not open it the 1st time. Simply tell OM3 that you want to resend the email to Inactives after X days with Y subject lines and see your opens and clicks grow by 50%
Personalize Beyond 1st Name
Want better results? Send automated 1:1 personalized emails based on name, gender, demographics, web site visits product interest and purchase behavior. Using Dynamic Content, simply define your business rules, create personalized content snippets, and we’ll deliver personalized email experiences to every subscriber.
Personalize and Target your emails
Segment and score your recipients and send them personalized emails based on their demographics and web site behavior
Email Marketing
Reporting Beyond
Opens and Clicks
Analyze you results with a visual heat map, score your prospects, and drill down to an individual campaign or view results over time. Check out your ROI per campaign whether you are collecting leads or online sales, and pull in Google Analytics data to complete your reporting.
Inbox Previews
Want better results? Send automated 1:1 personalized emails based on name, gender, demographics, web site visits product interest and purchase behavior. Using Dynamic Content, simply define your business rules, create personalized content snippets, and we’ll deliver personalized email experiences to every subscriber.
Personalize and Target your emails
Segment and score your recipients and send them personalized emails based on their demographics and web site behavior