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How iContact grew Organic Leads by 165% in 6 Months


iContact is a leading email marketing platform providing intuitive email marketing software for small businesses. Their goal is to help customers engage, WOW and grow their audiences. iContact’s tools help businesses create impactful emails in minutes, while offering opportunities to test, grow and better understand their audience. iContact’s affordable options for all customers allow them to scale their account as their audience grows.

iContact engaged OpenMoves to launch a comprehensive SEO plan in May of 2022. Our scope of work included technical SEO, on-page SEO, and content strategy. Our agreed goals and KPIs were to increase the number of relevant keywords ranking on page 1, grow organic traffic, increase the number of leads, and ultimately conversions to paid plans. The team successfully mounted an organic effort that achieved top results in record time.


Organic sessions increased


Leads improved


growth of Page 1 Keywords


  • OpenMoves SEO team has been the linchpin in iContact's SEO strategy. Their experience, creativity and strategy has produced strong results for us. The OpenMoves team understands SEO fundamentals, and their ability to work cross functionally with iContact has been a great asset. Their commitment to proven white hat methods makes us feel confident in our SEO strategy and growth as we continue our partnership into 2023.

    Shawna Weaver, SVP Moz Group, iContact and Kickbox
    Shawna Weaver, SVP Moz Group, iContact and Kickbox


Competitive Industry

While some competitors have expanded features, additional marketing offerings, and live chat service targeting larger companies. iContact remains focused on supporting small and medium businesses. Additional competition comes from all ESPs offering varied additional content including blogs, podcasts, original films, and other wide-ranging content to help capture top-funnel browsers.

Technical Challenges

iContact has a number of pages and subdomains that are beginning to age. There was an opportunity to update the pages while addressing some technical errors impeding crawling. iContact quickly addressed our recommendations with immediate positive results.

Content Challenges

iContact has an authoritative domain that helps new content rank well. Our challenge,  has been to research and discover new, relevant, and popular topics that haven’t been written about before as part of a Hub and Spoke strategy. Creating new opportunities for iContact to craft and post relevant content has positioned them as an authority in the ESP field driving an noticeable increase in new, top-funnel traffic.


  • iContact has been a joy to work with because they understand digital marketing and have been great at implementing all our recommendations. Although it’s a very competitive industry, we’ve found success in laser-targeting our SEO efforts for maximum gains.

    Jason, SEO Supervisor OpenMoves
    Jason, SEO Supervisor OpenMoves


Comprehensive Technical SEO Audit

Main site title tag review and recommendations

Blog title tag review and recommendations

Repeat regular technical SEO audits

Deliver broken pages with backlinks reports

Content and Keyword Development

Develop and work from a master keyword list

We regularly find and optimize striking distance keywords

Page and blog optimization recommendations

Internal linking strategies to help boost rankings

Create lead-generation and blog content calendars

Hub and Spoke Methodology

Identify hub pages and optimize

Internally link to each hub from relevant, supporting content

Competitor Gap Analysis

Identify top brand and organic competitors and content they rank for that our client doesn’t

Recommend topics to target with new content

Provide new content briefs

Conversion Rate Optimization Recommendations

Use heat-mapping software to learn how users interact with site

Make UX and content recommendations to improve conversions

By focusing on these SEO tactics and working hand in hand with the iContact team, we were able to grow organic sessions by 34% and organic leads by 56% compared to the previous time period, and 48% and 165% respectively, compared to the same time frame, last year.

If you would like to talk to us about improving your organic results, we’ll be happy to discuss and provide a free audit and strategy deck for your site.

Let’s discuss how we can increase your revenue


Maximizing Sales and Growth with an Improved PPC and SEO strategy.

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