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Hot News: Website Makeover Tips

 In Business Insights


This month we’re focusing on websites, and want to share some great articles that can help you evaluate your web presence.

Your website is your face to the world; does it need a makeover?  If you haven’t taken a good, hard look at your online presence in the past year, now is the time. Has your business evolved? Does your site look like it was designed in 1995? Check out Five Telltale Signs That it’s Time for a Website Redesign and the Top Five Website Redesign Mistakes.

2009/2010 Web design trends are graphically powerful and user friendly. View the New Trends in Websites and Landing Pages.

Are you getting up to speed with social media? Here are Five Essential Steps to Make Your Site Search & Social Media Friendly.

OpenMoves can help you develop a Web strategy and build a website that will deliver on your business objectives.

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