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Don’t Stop Your SEO

 In SEO, SEO Strategy

SEO is a zero-sum game. When you lose rankings, another site wins in the SERPs (search engine results page). If you don’t stay on top of your SEO your competition will. On the other hand, if you continue your SEO and some of your competitors slow down or stop, you’ll win easily. Way back in 2009, during what was then the worst recession since the Depression, in an article called, How to Market in a Downturn, The Harvard Business Review wrote, “[Companies] that make it through this recession by focusing their attention on consumer needs and core brands will be strongly positioned for sunnier days ahead.” They also argue, “increases in marketing spending during a recession have boosted financial performance throughout the year following the recession.”

This is a good time to consider your SEO efforts carefully and focus them, because this crisis will end.

This is a good time to consider your SEO efforts carefully and focus them, because this crisis will end.

Here are a few ideas to keep you going through the slow down (partial thanks to Search Engine Journal)

  • Interview Clients, Customers or Employees
    • Use Zoom or Google Hangouts to host and record video calls
    • Use to transcribe the audio
    • Post that content to your site over time
  • Do a Mini-Audit of Your Content Assets
  • Examine Your Online Reviews Strategy
    • Make sure you’ve responded to all reviews on your site and third-part review sites
  • Update Your Google My Business Profile for Local Customers (see Local SEO – Google My Business Best Practices)
  • Links
    • Conduct a link audit
    • Clean up broken links (404s) on your site
    • Claim unlinked brand mentions
    • 301 redirect any broken pages that have inbound links

Let us know if you have any questions or if we can help you dive deeper into any of these strategies.

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