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9 Ways to Use PPC data to Drive More SEO Traffic 

 In SEO, SEO Strategy

There are many ways to improve your SEO efforts and drive more organic traffic to your website. One important strategy that is often overlooked, for those also running PPC campaigns, is to use PPC keyword data for SEO.  

In this blog post, we’ll explore 9 ways to leverage PPC data to inform and enhance your search engine optimization strategy. From identifying high-performing keywords to optimizing your landing pages, learn how PPC data can help you improve your search engine rankings and attract more organic traffic. 

When it comes to reaching potential customers online, SEO and PPC work hand in hand. SEO helps your website get found more easily in the organic search engine results, while PPC gives you the ability to increase visibility for specific keyword searches.  

By combining both tactics, you’ll have a better chance of getting noticed by more people. And you can more easily identify what questions your customers are searching for and how you can use keyword research and PPC data to drive organic traffic. 

The key is understanding how to use keyword research and PPC data to make sure you’re targeting the right audiences with your campaigns. It takes some time and effort, but when done correctly can result in significantly higher conversion rates and return on investment (ROI). Let’s look at these nine ways to use keyword research and PPC data to boost your organic search results. 

1. Identify keyword opportunities

The first step is to log into your Google Analytics account. Navigate to the ‘Acquisition’ tab in the left-hand navigation menu and click on ‘Google Ads’. Once expanded, click on the ‘Keywords’.  

This should take you to a page with keyword performance data for any campaigns associated with your Google Ads account. You can also use other keyword research tools like SEMrush to identify keyword opportunities for your site.  

Look for keyword phrases that have high search volume, low competition, and are related to the products and services you offer. You should also look for long-tail keywords (keywords with three or more words) that focus on specific topics related to your business.  

2. Track keyword performance

Monitor keyword performance on both SEO and PPC campaigns using analytics tools such as Google Analytics. This will allow you to see which keyword phrases are performing best, so you can adjust your strategies accordingly. It will also help you identify keyword phrases that are underperforming and should be replaced with more relevant keyword options.  

3. Test keyword variations

Experiment with keyword variations to see which ones are getting the best results. This will help you refine keyword strategies and optimize the content on your website for better ranking in organic search engine results. 

4. Monitor PPC landing page performance 

Analyze the performance of your Paid Search landing pages to see how users interact with them. Are they finding what they’re looking for? Are they clicking on links or taking other actions that lead to conversions? Make sure your SEO keyword optimization efforts are meeting the needs of your target audience and producing the desired results. Emulate the success of your PPC landing pages on your organic entrance pages and vice versa. 

5. Analyze competitors 

Use keyword research tools to analyze the keyword strategies used by competitors in both SEO and PPC campaigns. Look for keyword trends, new keywords being used, keyword combinations, and any new strategies they’re using that could benefit your campaigns. 

6. Develop and test landing pages

Create specific landing pages for each keyword or keyword phrase and test them to see how they perform in organic search results. Monitor user engagement, conversions, and bounce rates to see which keyword phrases are most successful at driving traffic to your site. 

7. Monitor SEO performance

Track SEO performance over time using analytics tools such as Google Search Console or Moz Pro Toolbar to identify areas of opportunity for improvement and optimization. Monitor keyword rankings, page speed, and backlinks to make sure your SEO efforts are working as expected. See where there are gaps between your PPC and SEO rankings. Fill those gaps with increased spend on the highly competitive keywords, and with optimized content, where SEO can compete. 

8. Monitor PPC performance

Track keyword performance, clicks, impressions, and cost-per-click (CPC) on PPC campaigns to identify keyword phrases that are driving the most traffic and leads. This will help you determine how much budget should be allocated for each keyword phrase and whether or not it’s worth continuing a specific campaign. 

9. Use Google Ad Copy to Help Write More Effective SEO Meta Descriptions 

Google ad copy data can provide insights into the types of ad copy that are most effective at engaging users and driving them to click on your ads. By analyzing this data, you can identify common themes and strategies that are successful in your ad copy, and use them to craft more compelling and effective meta descriptions. Identify the call to action phrases that are most effective at driving users to your website, and incorporate them into your meta descriptions. 

PPC and SEO Keyword Integration – Summary 

With keyword research and PPC keyword data, you can uncover keyword opportunities. By experimenting with keyword variations, and testing organic landing pages based on what you learn from PPC landing pages, you can increase organic search engine rankings. With lessons learned from Google Ad copy success, you can improve your meta descriptions and grow your organic click-through rates and drive even more visitors to your website. 

Make sure your keyword optimization efforts are producing the desired results by optimizing keyword phrases based on data from both SEO and PPC campaigns to get the best performance from your marketing. Continually evaluate keyword performance and make adjustments as needed to ensure you’re getting the maximum return on investment (ROI).  

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