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Effective and Unique Call-to-actions

 In Email Marketing, Optimization

As email marketers we’re constantly striving to increase open rates, write the best subject lines and get keep our readers engaged. It’s also important to guide your readers with effective and unique call-to-actions so they can do things like “make a purchase” or “sign up” for a new program.

Sometimes, it’s difficult to find unique ways to say “click here” that don’t sound too demanding or desperate. Here are some effective and unique call-to-actions, as well as how to easily create a nice looking button that stands out.  Be sure to read 7 Tips For CTA Conversions  for more help on writing the perfect call-to-action.



In OM3, to easily add a button to your campaign, simply drag in the “button” element from the left building menu. Then replace the text to the CTA you want to use.

Using the “button” and “borders” menu on the left, set the styles of the button to the colors and sizes you want. Make sure your button stands out so play around with colors and borders as well as the size of the button. (Read more )productnamesThen, make sure to click “add a link” and put in the link of where you want to direct readers to. Simple as that! Of course there’s always the option to turn your button into a graphic of your choosing, just be sure to add the link.



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