NEW: Hyperbaric Case Study

Marketing Automation for WooCommerce

 In Automation, Email Marketing

Integrate your WooCommerce store, the leading ecommerce solution for WordPress, with the advanced OpenMoves email marketing platform and turn it into a powerful marketing machine in just a few clicks.

WooCommerce meets OpenMoves

The OpenMoves WooCommerce connector integrates your WooCommerce store with OpenMoves in just a few simple steps. This is not just another “Add a signup option to a checkout page” type plugin – it fully supports the OM3 marketing automation functionality, multiple mailing lists, and most importantly the OM3 Program Builder — our marketing automation engine! And sure… it adds a signup option to the checkout.

Extended OM3 Functionality

The WooCommerce connector connects WooCommerce to a merchant’s OM3 account, instantly providing access to customer name, product purchase, and email address directly into your OM3 account. You can now automatically group customer purchase data to create targeted customer segments in OM3. You will be able to send the right emails to the right customers at the right time based on data-driven segmentation and automatic triggers.

Deploy powerful email marketing campaigns like:

  • Send autoresponders teaching users how to use your product or checking how they are doing
  • Send promotional coupons and discounts with the right offer to the right customers
  • Send campaigns to latent customers who used to shop more frequently in the past
  • Automatically send reminders to those customers who buy consumable products
  • Send offers to customers based on their billing or shipping data (e.g. city)
  • Create brand-based marketing campaigns for top-selling items
  • Cross-sell accessories and upgrades to existing customers
  • Reward your best customers with “insider” specials

These kind of targeted campaigns increase sales through upgrades and cross selling in a timely and automated fashion.

Cart & Browse Abandonment – LassoBack

Buy the way…did you know that, on average, between 65% and 75% of Web site visitors who place products into their online shopping carts abandon those carts and never make the purchase? If you are deploying a shopping cart through Woocommerce, then you are losing business.

Luckily along with the WooCommerce connector, we can integrate your site with our LassoBack cart abandonment platform to help you increase your online sales and conversions by 10%-20%. It works by launching automated recovery emails that remind the prospect to return to the cart and complete the purchase.

At the end of the day both the WooCommerce connector and LassoBack gather customer data and behavior so that our OM3 email marketing automation engine can send targeted and timely emails to both cross-sell, up-sell and convert prospects into customers.

Graphic below show’s how OM3 is integrated within WooCommerce

OM within WooCommerce

Graphic shows integration of purchase history data with email behavior data: creat a segment of all those that purchased in 2015 but did not open or click on any of their emails- sne dthem a new inactive

Build A New Segment

More on this topic

Increase Sales by >5 Percent With Cart Abandonement

LassoBack – Every Visitor Counts 

Cart & Browse Abandonment – LassoBack



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