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New Template Library Worth Making Noise About

 In Email Marketing, OpenMoves Email System

You know how libraries are kind of nice, but a bit stuffy too? All that sssshhushing, and the faint whiff of old books? Mmmmm.

You’ll get none of that in OpenMoves’ completely refreshed Free Template Library – released this week as a free upgrade for all our users.

So what’s new in OpenMoves brand new Free Template library?

Well – loads!

new templates

Firstly, we’ve redesigned the Free Template Library with lots of extra usability built in. So it’s really easy for you to see at-a-glance which of the free templates you want to use.

For example:

  • Bigger thumbnail images of the templates make it easier for you to browse and choose
  • Email templates are now ordered by category to make it easier for you to scan the ones most relevant to your business
  • Template Preview is even bigger, so you can exactly what you’re browsing
  • Dozens of templates available yo be used with our super easy drag and drop editor.

30 new templates

A complete set of brand new, Drag & Drop free templates

OpenMoves features a super-cool drag & drop template editor that makes changing your template layouts and 2 minute job – with no need to go into the code! So we’ve completely updated our Free Template Library to make sure every template in there is drag & drop.

You can now choose any of our free templates and it will open in our drag & drop EasyEditor. Too keep the library clean and fresh we’ve removed the older free Classic Editor templates.

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