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New to Twitter? Frequently Asked Questions to Get You Started

 In Social Media, Twitter

If you are new to Twitter, you may have a few basic questions on how best to use this social media giant. Twitter has 126 million daily users and while you may be number 126 million and one, we’d like to help you get your tweets noticed. Below is a list of some frequently asked questions from our clients.Can’t I Just Buy Twitter Followers?

What is a hashtag?

The definition of a hashtag is: a word or phrase preceded by a hash sign (#), used on social media websites and applications, especially Twitter, to identify messages on a specific topic. For those that still find this unclear, here’s how I describe the use of hashtags in social media: Imagine that you are attending a cocktail party and you find yourself overwhelmed with different conversations. But as you walk around the room, you notice that the people at each table are talking about a particular topic. In this analogy the cocktail party would be Twitter and the tables with different topics would be a hashtag. In simplest of terms, a hashtag is a guide to different conversations on Twitter.

How Can I Get People To Follow Me?

When it comes to Twitter followers, quality over quantity matters. Relationships take some time to grow, particularly on Twitter. Like the cocktail party, if you don’t have anything of substance to offer, people will stop listening. When you first begin tweeting, it’s a great idea to search the hashtags of topics that are in line with your business goals, products and location. Get a feel of what others are posting on these topics and then formulate your tweets towards this audience. It’s important to interact with people on Twitter by liking or retweeting their posts and following those who align with your goals. As they begin to follow back, your audience will begin to grow. But again, be patient! How long would it take you to mingle through a cocktail party and establish a relationship with each person?

Can’t I Just Buy Twitter Followers?

Would you rather have 5,000 followers whom you don’t know or 50 who will actually engage with you? Sure, there are companies out there who will help you buy more followers but we recommend to “steer clear.” When you buy followers you are not getting people who are interested in you or your product. Lastly, most of these profiles are fake accounts, so why bring down the integrity of your brand? The only sure fire way to massively grow your followers is to create a post that goes viral.

What Can Twitter Analytics Tell Me?

Twitter Analytics

To launch the analytics page, click on your icon in the upper right corner and scroll down to “Analytics.” There you find information on engagement, impressions, tweet activity and followers. Your Twitter Engagement Rate is equal to your tweets’ engagement divided by the number of impressions those tweets have generated. An impression defines the number of times a tweet appeared on a user’s timeline. Other important analytics include the number of profile visits, mentions and followers. This information is valuable in helping you refine your marketing plan. Analytics are something you should track once or twice per month. Depending on your goals, use the data from analytics to help you formulate your tweets.

How Often and When Should I Tweet?

This is the magic question, and unfortunately there is no perfect answer. Some accounts tweet upwards of 50 times a day, while some only tweet once per day. Your best bet is to experiment and find out which frequency works for your audience. The more times you tweet, the more you will get noticed, especially if you tweet with hashtags. As for when, according to Sprout Social the safest times to post on twitter are weekdays between 10 a.m. and noon. Friday, between 9 and 10 a.m. is the best time to post.

Should I include Images?

Studies have shown that tweets with images get noticed more, so yes! The image ratio for a Twitter image is 1024 x 512 pixels. If you or someone in your company can use Photoshop, this dimension will be helpful to them. If you don’t have a graphic designer there are a few programs , we recommend and to edit your images and project like a pro.

These are just samples of commonly asked questions. If you have a topic that you’ve been curious about, feel free to reach out to us.

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