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The Best April Fools' Emails

 In Email Marketing, Holidays

fool2Was your chair glued to the floor this morning or did someone try to serve you plastic fruit in the office kitchen? April Fools’ gags and pranks can range from downright mean to belly- laughing fun. If you didn’t market anything for this year’s April 1st prank then the joke’s on you, because you just missed a great opportunity to let your brand stand out from the herd. Our fun loving mascot Moo had us in stitches when she shared these clever emails with us. Sure, the product offering may not be real, but what these companies did deliver on is much more valuable: brand awareness.

How To Train Your Jackolope

PetSmart knows the world’s not just made up of cat and dog lovers. If the kids have been asking for a new fiesty and furry pet, PetSmart’s got you covered.

You Had Us At “Puppy”

Francesca’s knows how to help a girl accessorize: How about a puppy for that little black dress? You won’t want to miss that package at your door.

An End To Sock Abandonment

ThredUp was fed up with mismatched donated socks. Their solution? Send the singles instead. Wonder if that applies to missing Tupperware lids too?

One Size Does Not Fit All

Assuming you’re not intimidated by small spaces, then redbox has a place for you. This imagery will never leave you the next time you spot a redbox kiosk.

From Smell-O’Vision to Taste-A-Phone

Table for two? No problem, but have you tasted the brushetta?  This app not only impresses your date but you can sample the menu. Keep it coming OpenTable, you just whetted our appetite for more.

Now it’s your turn. Did you come across a clever marketing email for April Fools’? We’d love to know about it. Drop us a line

Reminder for next year: You’d be a fool not to miss out on a marketer’s dream that only comes once a year.

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