Take A Deeper Dive Into Your Metrics
So, you’re testing your emails, discovering what your customers are most responsive to. You should already be seeing an uplift in the number of opens your emails are getting, but how do you get a more comprehensive understanding of how engaged your customers are?
Opens and clicks are the most popular metric to measure, mostly because they’re the easiest to track. They are great metrics because you can see what your subscribers are doing with your emails. But to get a more comprehensive view of how engaged your customers are, it’s important to take a deeper dive into your metrics. To get the most accurate results, you’ll need to make sure your email platform is integrated with your web analytics.
What to track
The metrics below are just a few which will help you learn how successful your efforts have been:
Click-through rate (CTR) – this metric lets you measure the performance of every email you send by looking at the percentage of recipients who have clicked on one or more links. It gives you direct insight into how many people on your list are engaging with your content.
ROI – you’re a business, so no matter what ROI is important. Tracking this not only tells you how effective your campaign is, but it also helps you identify the type of content and campaigns that drive your audience to act. After all, what’s the point of all that testing if your customers aren’t helping your business grow. Click here to learn how to setup ROI tracking.
Sharing and forwarding – it may seem insignificant, but these customers help you generate new contacts because they believe in your brand. Maybe they’re forwarding the email to a friend or sharing on social; either way, they’re spreading the work about you. Keep a close eye on sharing rates to discover what articles and offers get shared the most. This insight can help you plan your future email and social media campaigns.
Conversion rate – your conversion rate is the percentage of people who arrive at your site via a link in your email and complete your desired action. This could be anything, from referring a friend to placing an order. Your conversion should be directly tied to the CTA in your email. It’s an important metric for measuring how engaged your customers and how close you are to achieving your goals.
Bounce rate – this tracks users who open a single page on your site and exits without converting. A high bounce rate isn’t always bad. Maybe your link goes to a blog article or competition entry page – the bounce rate will naturally be higher. On the other hand, if the pages are focused on a product, then you may have a problem. Are you sending customers to the right place? If not, you risk losing them by sending them to irrelevant pages. Or, maybe there’s a problem with the usability or content on the landing page. Keeping an eye on this metric will allow you to optimize every element of your customer’s sales journey.
Cart abandonment rate – keeping track of those who’re interested in your brand but don’t convert can help you improve the customer experience. Finding this data can be difficult, but thanks to WebInsight and integrations with ecommerce platforms such as Magento, Shopify and WooCommerce it’s easy as one, two, three.
Your reach knows no bounds
Unfortunately, customer engagement is not always the simplest metric to track. Yes, you can send emails and remind subscribers of who you are. But, we can’t measure whether they’re talking about your sale to the person sitting next to them on the train or recommending your services to their colleague. Nor can we measure whether they’ve read your subject line, noticed your latest offer, and visited your site directly or stopped by your physical store.
What is possible, however, is to have all the tools you need to get yourself in front of your customers. Whether they’re prospective or regular visitors, OpenMoves has everything you need to maximize your customer engagement