What Do You Get When Your CRM and Email Marketing Platform Meet?
Does your company use MS Dynamics CRM to run its business, and a separate email marketing platform to communicate with leads, prospects, and clients?
What if you had a 2-way connector that could feed your CRM customer data into your email campaigns and feed your email marketing data and reporting back into your CRM? Your sales and marketing team will never be the same!
The Sales Force Becomes Self-Service
Connecting MS Dynamics to your email platform will empower your sales team to pull their own marketing reporting and get the data they need on their leads – when they need it. They will no longer depend on the marketing department to provide critical marketing reporting that could help them step up and win sales.
For example, a sales rep can get a single view in your CRM of email marketing contact history including bounces, opens and click tracking – so she can have an instant, detailed knowledge of a contact’s interaction and engagement with your offers. Over the long run this kind of data will build a hot prospect list for her to follow up with.
The Marketing Team Saves Time
Another tangible outcome of the email platform-Dynamics CRM integration will be a huge time savings for the marketing team.
For example, a typical marketing team deploys multiple email campaigns per month and generates a lot of data. They then need to invest valuable time in exporting the data from their CRM into the email marketing platform and back again for each campaign. The integrated solution ends this headache in one fell swoop.
Now all their data is synched automatically, enabling the marketing team to forget about juggling data and focus on producing effective and targeted content, knowing the sales team has what they need.
Below is an example of the kind of email campaign data that is captured in CRM.
- Click Rate (%)
- Delivered Rate (%)
- Open Rate (%)
- Reply Rate (%)
- Hard Bounce Rate (%)
- Soft Bounce Rate (%)
- Unique Open Rate (%)
- Unsubscribe Rate (%)
- User Click Rate (%)
- Total Number of Clicks
- Total Number Delivered
- Total Number of Hard Bounces
- Total Number of ISP Complaints
- Total Number of Opens
- Total Number of Page Views
- Total Number of Replies
- Total Number Sent
- Total Number of Soft Bounces
- Total Number of Unique Opens
- Total Number of Unsubscribes
- Number of Opens
- Number of Replies
- Number of Clicks
- Number Forwarded To Friends
- Hard Bounced (yes/no)
- Soft Bounced (yes/no)
- Unsubscribed (yes/no)
- Number of Views
This data is a great way to create new marketing lists or update existing ones. Using the built in views and filters within each email campaign you can select new targets and add them to new lists in CRM for future pinpoint campaigns.The result is a super-powerful, time saving solution for aligning your email marketing campaigns with the exact needs of your individual customers and prospects, which means greater efficiency and greater ROI.
If you are interested in learning more, please visit our MS Dynamics page.