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Articles We Liked This August

 In Email List/Newsletter, Email Marketing

About once a month we ask our team to note a few articles they’ve liked recently. Some are directly related our practice of digital marketing, SEO, PPC, social media, email marketing and so on. But the connection can be loose or tangential. The only requirement is that we liked them enough to share! Here then is list of articles we liked in August 2016. Hope you enjoy!

7 Little Known Tips to Cut Down Your Bounce Rate

We have a lot of misconceptions about bounce rate, but generally speaking we know we want to keep it in check. Here are some tips and strategies we think are worth considering.

Read at Invespcro

The Ultimate Guide to International Email Law [Infographic] –

This one is self-explanatory. Spam is an issue that won’t go away. Countries around the world are created rules and regulations to help protect their citizens and consumers. Our job as marketers requires that we know these rules. This then, is a really useful infographic.

Read at Litmus

Dark Days Ahead for Companies That Fail Customers –

Providing good customer service is critical to business success, more now than ever. Why does it seem so difficult today with so many technologically advances tools at our finger tips? Thought provoking.

Read at Ecommerce Times

Endless September (10 quick rules)

This is short and clever, and fun to read, and begs sharing, as can be expected form Seth Godin! It should be required reading for all Internet users, once a year!

Read at Seth Godin

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