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Leverage 7 NEW Google Ad Extensions

 In Paid Search, PPC

Here are some ihand gearsmportant Pay-Per-Click ad extensions you can use in your Google AdWords account. These will help improve the look and feel of your ads, provide a clearer message, improve click through, and  help convert customers more effectively. Perhaps as importantly, they also expand the real estate your paid ad takes up, pushing down other advertisers’ ads!

Here’s the list of available new ad extensions in Google AdWords that you can use to bolster the performance of your advertising account:

Review Extensions (New!)

This extension lets you add positive write-ups, awards, or third-party rankings about your company in an additional line of text beneath your search ads on desktops and tablet devices. See Figure 5.

Figure 5: An review extension can improve clickthrough rates on your ads because it lets you display a positive review your company recently received.

Figure 5: A review extension can improve clickthrough rates on your ads because it lets you display a positive review your company recently received.


Callout Extensions (New!)

This new extension is useful because it lets you display bullet point items that describe your company, product or service. For example, let’s say you offer free shipping and a price match guarantee. You can display these items in your search ad as further promotion of your product or service. See Figure 6 for an example of several callout items you might consider if you had an ecommerce store.


Figure 6: examples of several possible callout extensions you can use if you have an ecommerce store.

Figure 6: examples of several possible callout extensions you can use if you have an ecommerce store.

Structured Snippet Extensions (New!)

This new extension lets you provide “categorized” callouts to your ads. So, while Callout Extensions let you display bullet point tidbits of random information you want to promote, Structured Snippets allow these to be categorized using one of several different options:

  1. Amenitiescogtree
  2. Brands
  3. Courses
  4. Degree Programs
  5. Destinations
  6. Featured Hotels
  7. Insurance Coverage
  8. Models
  9. Neighborhoods
  10. Service Catalog
  11. Shows
  12. Styles
  13. Types

So, a hotel chain could promote specific hotels using the Featured Hotels option. A car dealer could use the “Styles” option to list specific car models they’re selling. Many different types of industries are covered with this extension. See Figure 7 for an example of Structured Snippets in action.

Figure 7: An online education institution would use the Courses option to display several available courses available to prospective students.

Figure 7: An online education institution would use the Courses option to display several available courses available to prospective students.


Location Extensions

The oldest of all these extensions, this is still going strong! You can display your company address beneath your ad, as long as you’ve created a “Google My Business” listing. See Figure 1.

Figure 1: example of a location extension in use.

Figure 1: example of a location extension in use.

Call Extensions

This extension lets you display a phone number within your ad. You can choose to display your company’s actual phone number, or use a Google forwarding number which allows you to track call details (see Figure 2). In Figure 1 above, you can see the phone number under the ad’s headline.

Figure 2: This extension, when using the forwarding number, allows you to monitor call results by time, duration, and area code, giving you additional conversion metrics for your ads.

Figure 2: This extension, when using the forwarding number, allows you to monitor call results by time, duration, and area code, giving you additional conversion metrics for your ads.


Sitelinks Extensions

This extension allows you to display secondary links in your search ads. Whereas the ad’s primary destination URL might be a specific landing page on your website, sitelinks can be used to extend the real estate of your ad with additional links to other pages of your site. For example, you might use this to link to a deals page, a newsletter signup form, or a contact request page. Or, you might want to display individual product or service page links here as a way to display your company’s coverage of a particular product category or service area. See Figure 3.

Figure 3: Sitelink ad extensions let you display additional links in your search ad, providing additional ways users can go to your site, extending the real estate of your ad, and promoting additional features the limited ad text restrictions might otherwise prevent.

Figure 3: Sitelink ad extensions let you display additional links in your search ad, providing additional ways users can go to your site, extending the real estate of your ad, and promoting additional features the limited ad text restrictions might otherwise prevent.


App Extensions

This extension still exists and is especially useful if you have a mobile downloadable app that you want to include as part of your text search ad. See Figure 4.

Figure 4: An app extension is especially useful if you want to promote your iPhone or Android mobile app within your PPC Search ad.

Figure 4: An app extension is especially useful if you want to promote your iPhone or Android mobile app within your PPC Search ad.

Several extensions were deprecated in 2015 such as the Offer Extensions and Social Extensions.

You can now include a link to your company’s Google+ page through other means, rather than within AdWords as an ad extension

The above extension can enhance the effectiveness of your PPC campaigns and should be leveraged based on your goals.  If you have any questions or need help setting you your PPC campaigns please give us a holler and we’ll be happy to help.




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