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Spring Training

 In Email Marketing, OpenMoves Email System


Whether your marketing team is at the Rookie level or in the Major Leagues, now is the time to step up to the digital plate and play ball! Digital media are integral parts of any marketing campaign and need to be addressed with the same stamina reserved for your traditional media.

Here are a few e-training exercises that will get you back to fundamentals, work on your strengths and whip you into your best shape to defeat the competition.

Unleash the Potential

Chances are, your email platform offers a lot more power than you’re using. That’s like leaving your best players in the dugout. Meet with your provider and let them coach you. They can help you tap the potential of features you always meant to use. Tools like triggers and dynamic content may take an initial time investment to set up, but you’ll be seeing the ROI for the rest of the season. Take a peek.

Play Well With Others

salesforce-logoIf “integration” isn’t your team’s rallying cry, it should be. When your email platform can share data with, the synergies are powerful. The OM2 system allows you to easily tap reports to pull in new lists and send campaign results back in real-time to the contact or lead record. You’ll be able to quickly import lists, send, and then view real-time campaign stats on every lead and contact record inside your account.

google-analyticsInterested to see how many visits and where those visitors went on your web site from an email campaign? If you use Google Analytics for your web traffic analyzer, with the check of a box you can have OM2 send tracking information to your Google account. Which means you can work smarter, because you can see your email recipients’ behavior once they arrive on your website.


spit-polishThe spring season means a fresh start – and new uniforms. Face it – wearing last season’s old and dingy duds signals everyone that you’re not moving forward. It’s the same with your e-newsletter design, so if you’ve been sporting the same look for a while, take the opportunity to spring clean your image.

Whether it’s a new look to maintain consistency with offline branding, or a simple refresh, a new skin can create excitement and show the world you’re bringing your A-game.

Get on It!

To motivate you, OpenMoves is offering a free online Spring Tune-Up. We’ll evaluate your online marketing results and offer recommendations and best practices. Email to get started.

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