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Grow Your eCommerce Sales with a CRM integration

 In Email Marketing, Optimization

As a marketer, the information in your CRM and eCommerce is vital data. Without it, you won’t be able to target your customers, or know how your activity is performing. The information in your email marketing platform is also important data, so why not look at the bigger picture and combine the two? Here are a couple of ways you can use the data:

  1. The ability to see and do more:Your CRM/eCommerce platform has about your customers as well as offline order information like what they purchased in store, when they purchased and how much they spent so having that information in your email marketing platform allows you to bring your customers closer and unlock much more possibilities in your emails. Syncing your email data back into your CRM will also help your customer service reps see what promotions your customer has received and how they interacted with that.
  2. Better personalization and capabilities:Personalize your emails, pricing and promotions based on what you know about the customer. The data you hold on each customer will help you decide what kind of promotion/message to show the customer as well as provide recommendations on products. This will allow you to personalize and segment contacts who have opened an email or clicked on a link but have or haven’t taken an action.
  3. Making contact at the right time:With data on last purchase, combined with open and click information, you now know when is the right time to contact these customers, allowing you to automate emails to go out a certain amount of days after last purchase or click, providing larger discount to those who haven’t purchased in a while and enticing them to purchase.

Wouldn’t it be great to use all the data from your CRM/eCommercie platform in your email marketing? Having seamless access to your ecommerce data allows better targeting on a mass scale. Score points for personalization and deliver relevant messages by using order history and customer information to create highly focused content for every contact.

OpenMoves has out of the box integrations for various CRMs and eCommerce platforms*, including Pipedrive, Salesforce, MS Dynamics, Magento, Shopify, Big Commerce, and more.

*Additional cost may vary.

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