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What are the Most Effective Tactics for Lead Generation?

 In Email Marketing, Optimization

A recent Lead Generation study published by Marketing Sherpa finds that SEO is the most effective tactic for lead generation but also one of the most difficult to implement. Email Marketing was almost as effective but easier to implement while PPC and educational webinars also performed well.
Marketing Sherpa

SEO- For those of you that practice SEO (Search Engine Optimization) it should come as no surprise that is was the most effective tactic for lead gen but also very difficult to implement, as you typically need technical skills and quality content to be effective.

Email Email marketing ranked very high for effectiveness and was the easiest to implement of all the tactics surveyed. We know from other surveys that email marketing has the highest ROI compared to other marketing channels given the low cost of implementation, ease of use, and measurable results.

MobileMobile Marketing-As we all know, mobile marketing is growing fast and complements email marketing, SEO, PPC and social media. Mobile was viewed as somewhat difficult to implement as you may need to create responsive email and web site designs and advertising is more of a challenge on the small screen. Usage of mobile marketing was still low given the difficulty and effectiveness but we expect to see the adoption rate increase quickly.

PPCPPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising was regarded as very effective for lead gen with a minor degree of difficulty. We know from our experience that if you have a decent promotion and you structure you landing page and campaigns correctly PPC can be extremely effective for lead generation and even more so for e-commerce.

Trade ShowsTrade shows ranked very high for lead generation as you cannot replace a face-to-face meeting or a handshake with most online methods. From our experience, however, trade shows are difficult to plan, difficult to implement, and require substantial personnel, effort and budget. Tradeshow are an excellent lead generation tactic and should be chosen carefully based on budget, demographics and return on investment (ROI).

WebinarsWebinars- A great opportunity for lead generation appears to be in educating your constituents using webinars. If you can produce some educational content in your market segment, webinars are now easier to put together and you can leverage them better than in-person seminars that require a physical location. We can vouch for their effectiveness for lead generation as we run frequent webinars on email marketing and search marketing.

We were not surprised to see the findings of this report as at OpenMoves we focus on SEO, PPC, and Email Marketing and we know how effective they can be for lead gen and e-commerce.

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