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OM3 Drag & Drop Editor Just Got Easier

 In Email Marketing, OpenMoves Email System

We’ve released an even better version of our Drag & Drop Editor ā€“ with a streamlined design to make email campaigning even easier and better technology to make it load up to twice as quickly. Spend less time waiting, and more time creating.

OpenMoves New Drag & Drop Editor Just Got Easier!

Some Great Features, New and Old

  • Drag, drop, duplicate, reposition, and resize any element in your template, in seconds – at the click of a mouse
  • Complete flexibility and control over your template design with our Design Palette
  • Slash the time you spend editing email campaign templates
  • Change your email templates exactly as you want – no need for HTML knowledge or IT help
  • Select elements for moving, recoloring and editing
  • Improved speed of loading and editing, particularly when using Internet Explorer 7 and Internet Explorer 8

The Design Palette

Build and Style tabs are front and center with big, bold colors to differentiate between the two. The same features are still available, but we’ve reorganized for simplicity.

The Design Palette

Style sections of your campaign with the improved selector tool. It’s bright and clear and updating just the right section of your campaign has never been this simple.

Selector Tool

Utilities Drop DownYou can inspect your campaign as you edit with the Utilities drop down menu. Click the gear icon for a spam check, to review character and length stats, check links, spell check, revert to previous restore points and activate the online HTML editor.

> > Watch this short video.

If you’re not an OpenMoves client already and want to take OM3 for a free test drive please click here.

Happy campaigning!

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