Score Holiday Points & Build Engagement with Email
No matter where you stand on the Holiday marketing frenzy, staying in touch with your customer base during the holiday season is a great idea. Next year consider using email to bridge the gap during the holiday season (Thanksgiving–New Year) and to tell your customers that your business appreciates their loyalty, while keeping your brand on your prospect’s radar.
Show Your Personal Side
Sending an eGreeting is the easiest way to display the personal side of your organization. This year OpenMoves again offered an eGreeting package to clients and prospects and the response was the best yet. Apparently, eGreetings are becoming mainstream as our lives migrate online and more businesses than ever are finally embracing this new medium.
Score Holiday Points with Email
When considering your eGreeting, you’ll need to think about the image you want to project to your list; do you want to display your fun side, or is it important to your brand to reflect a more formal presence?
For 2013 OpenMoves offered a cross-section of choices to accommodate all tastes (See Fig 1.). All eGreeting designs were created to be mobile friendly as mobile opens are now >50%.
Below is what we offered, which do you think were most popular?
The SimCorp Solution
A few clients used a custom design and ran more interactive campaigns that engaged their contacts in the spirit of giving. Using a simple one screen email and a coordinated landing page, SimCorp took the opportunity to donate to UNICEF based on their click through rates to their landing page. Every click through represented a $1 donation to UNICEF.
By using their approved corporate branding and a very basic greeting, SimCorp simply requested that readers join them in supporting UNICEF with a click to their landing page. Results: 27% of all those who opened the email clicked through for a donation. A win-win for all concerned.
Whatever your graphic taste, your message should be short and sweet and be sure you make it personal too. Several of our clients used a graphic signature for that personal touch to reflect the personal relationship they have with each of their clients.
It’s just the other side of the holiday season and we are just starting to dig in for our 2014 plans, but don’t wait until the last minute for the 2014 holiday season. Either way, we’ll be sure to remind you when the time comes.
Happy New Year!