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OM3 Facebook Signup Widget

 In Email Marketing, OpenMoves Email System

Your Facebook page can be linked directly to your OM3 address book – so your fans can sign up to your newsletter right from Facebook. You can now create and customize a subscription form that lives on your Facebook page and will automatically place a subscriber into your OM3 address book.

Be certain that you have administrative privileges to the Facebook page you want to add the OM3 Facebook Signup widget to. The following steps will help you complete an installation that takes about 10 minutes.

Read through these instructions first and become familiar with the steps. You’ll need to login to your OM3 account, create a signup contact list, get an API username and password, and customize your signup tab image. Once you do, you’re ready to install.

If you are not familiar with installing Facebook widgets or need assistance during any of these steps, contact, and our technical support team will be glad to assist.

Steps to install your OM3 Facebook Signup Widget

    1. Log into your OpenMoves OM3 email platform account. (Don’t have an account? Get a free trial account today!)
    2. Have or create an address book within your OpenMoves OM3 account other than the default “All Contacts” or “Test” address books.
    3. Create an OpenMoves API username and password in your OM3 account. To do so, go to My Account > Managed users.
      My Account > Managed users” width=”539″ height=”322″><br />
Click the API tab.<br />
<img loading=
      Add a new API managed user to the account.
      adding an API connector
      Enter your password and confirm, then save.
      getting an API username and password
      Copy the API username to your clipboard and remember your password.
    4. Click this link to begin the OM3 Facebook Signup installation.
    5. Look for the Facebook logo and click the link that says Go to Facebook.
      to to
    6. Choose which of your Facebook pages you would like the OM3 Facebook Signup widget installed on.
      choose your Facebook page
    7. Click the Add Page Tab at the bottom right corner of the web page.

add page tab

  1. Click the Home link at the top right of the web page to navigate to the Facebook page and continue to customize your OM3 Facebook Signup widget.
    click the home page
    Links to all of the Facebook pages you administer are in the left sidebar on your Facebook Homepage. Choose the page where the OM3 Facebook Signup widget was just installed.
    links to all your Facebook administrated pagesYou will find OM3 sign up widget on the left of your Facebook page.
    Facebook tabs

    • This sample shows what the default OM3 Facebook Signup tab looks like.
  2. Click the OM3 Facebook Signup icon. Input your API username and password and click submit.
    api connector welcome message
  3. Select the Facebook Signup list in your account and submit.
    select a list
  4. Select the data fields you would like to have your subscribers complete (Email is required and is not displayed). Click submit fields.
    select the data fields
  5. Input the title and message that you would like to be displayed on the page. You can also adjust how your labels will look. Click the Create OM3 widget to complete the installation.
    title and messageYou’ll see a sample of how your page will display. If the information is correct, then you can refresh the page and your OM3 Facebook Signup widget is installed.
    sample page for display
  6. To install a new tab image on your Facebook page, a) click the drop down arrow; b) hover over your tab to display the pencil icon to c) edit settings.
    change the tab name
    edit tab
    edit tab settings
  7. Input the customized tab name and Save.
    custom tab name
  8. Click Change to customize the tab image.
    customize tab image
  9. Click the Choose File button to select the image on your desktop to upload. The image dimensions should be no larger than 111 x 74 pixels.
    upload a custom image
    The image will replace the default OpenMoves image.
    replace the default image
  10. Navigate to your Facebook page to inspect your work!
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