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Brainstorm List for Newsletter Content

 In Email List/Newsletter, Email Marketing

 writer's block

We posted a lot of great tips on content creation over the last month, but sometimes you just need some quick inspiration to get a new article written. Here are some ideas of things to write about in your newsletter, and they can be posted on your website as well.

  • • Current Industry News: Read your industry’s newsletters, websites and magazines, and share interesting news with your readers. They’ll view you as a real expert in your field
  • • Editorial on the News: Don’t just report; analyze and offer an opinion. What’s your stance on a new regulation, trend or innovation?
  • • Employee Profile: Let your readers get to know your company through your employees. It puts a friendly face on your company and lets you highlight employee achievements.
  • • Customer Profile: Profiles help show the breadth of customers you work with, and helps to illustrate your whole range of offerings.
  • • About your Company: Forget the facts and figures for a minute; let them know your history, mission and future plans. Telling your story engages your reader.
  • • Case Study: Show how you offer solutions to your customers’ problems. Hold up a customer as a best practice – they’ll look good and feel good, and it show other clients the potential they have to achieve goals working with you.
  • • Best Practices Tips: If you have a small space to fill, a quick tip is always a winner. Sometimes the shortest content is the most impactful.

    Do you have other content suggestions to add to this list? Post them in the comments!

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