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Email in an iPad World

 In Email List/Newsletter, Email Marketing


Whether you’re first in line to get the next tech gadget or you’re standing on the sidelines waiting to see what happens when the hype fades, the iPad has everyone talking.

Tablet computers are not new, but Apple always finds a way to reinvent technology to make it sleek, new and exciting. It’s clear that one of the primary uses of the iPad will be email, so email marketers must take note of the unique experience the iPad offers. In its intimate, interactive and hands-on environment, the straightfoward email newsletter will have trouble competing for readers’ attention. Here are a few ideas to help yours stand out:

Flip It.

Remember that people can flip the iPad from landscape to portrait and back again, so your message should look good both ways.

Touch it.

People navigate with their hands, and it’s fun to pinch and move things around – consider adding visual elements that move and are interactive.

Read me.

Like the Kindle and Nook, the iPad is designed for easy reading. So showcase your organization’s knowledge and put your beautiful white papers at your readers’ fingertips.

Entertain me.

The iPad’s large screen is ideal for for consuming media like movies and TV shows, and iTunes puts a world of entertainment at their fingertips. Embed multimedia in your email to bring your brand’s message to life.

Buy now!

The intimate viewing experience and seamless integration of applications on the iPad makes the transition from reading to purchasing even simpler. Make your product images look irresistible and create a unified look between your email and shopping pages – and watch sales conversions rise.

Remember, iPad owners are savvy, and gimmicks won’t win you any points. So make sure any “tricks” you add truly add value. What do you think of the iPad, and how will it change your e-marketing plans? Let us know in the comments!

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